What have the Mobile Carriers ever done for us?
Here's a little ditty I composed after reading another "oh, what have the carriers done for us" post, with apologies to Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Reg: They've bled us white, the bastards. They've taken everything we had, and not just from us, from our fathers, and from our fathers' fathers.
Stan: And from our fathers' fathers' fathers.
Reg: Yeah.
Stan: And from our fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers.
Reg: Yeah. All right, Stan. Don't labour the point. And what have they ever given us in return?!
Xerxes: Text Messaging?
Reg: What?
Xerxes: Text Messaging, you know SMS.
Reg: Oh. Yeah, yeah. They did give us that. Uh, that's true. Yeah.
Commando 3: And premium billing.
Stan: Oh, yeah, premium billing, Reg. Remember what digital content sales on the internet used to be like?
Reg: Yeah. All right. I'll grant you the SMS and the Premium Billing are two things that the Mobile Operators have done.
Matthias: And the games!
Reg: Well, yeah. Obviously the games. I mean, the games go without saying, don't they? But apart from the SMS, the premium billing, and the games--
Commando: Ringtones.
Xerxes: Wallpapers.
Commandos: Huh? Heh? Huh...
Commando 2: WAP.
Commandos: Ohh...
Reg: Yeah, yeah. All right. Fair enough.
Commando 1: And the video.
Commandos: Oh, yes. Yeah...
Francis: Yeah. Yeah, that's something we'd really miss, Reg, if the Mobile Operators left. Huh.
Commando: Content Portals.
Stan: And you can sell 15 seconds of music for $2.99, Reg.
Francis: Yeah, they certainly know how to create a content market. Let's face it. They're the only ones who could on the internet!
Commandos: Hehh, heh. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.
Reg: But apart from the SMS, the Billing, Games, Wallpapers, WAP, Video, Content Portals, a $billion content market, and billions of subscribers, what have the Mobile Operators ever done for us?
Xerxes: Created the mobile industry?
Reg: Oh, ind-- Shut up!
Labels: carriers, mobile, Monty Python, ringtones